#KitchenZen #6 – Büttners Butterzopf

Zutaten Mehlkochstück 125 ml Milch30 g Mehl 550 Hautpteig 5 g Hefe80 g Zucker500 g Mehl 550100 g Butter, geschmolzen und lauwarm220 ml lauwarme Milch2 Eigelb1 EiweißPrise Salz1 Vanillezucker½ TL getrocknete Zitronenschale1-2 TL Zimt½ TL MuskatnussOptional: 1 Löffel Puderzucker zum Bepudern Anleitung Mehlkochstück Milch und Mehl glatt verrühren, unterrühren und bis ein Pudding entsteht erhitzen.

Therapy thoughts

Let’s talk about mental health, let’s talk about therapy, let’s cross the boundaries of shame and fear. And yes, I know this is a public blog, and exactly that’s why I want to talk about this topic. We do live our lives and part of this is, that we do work to gain money, but

#KitchenZen #3

Baking is different to cooking. Whereas in cooking you can adapt the recipe at will, in baking you have to stick pretty closely to quantities and times. That’s why I didn’t like baking so much in the past, but the smell of homemade bread is just too good not to stick to the rules. This

The buddy system

In my first post I featured the buddy system, in this post I want to explain it. If you are running into a situation where you are exhausted, most likely you won’t recognize until it is too late. It often starts with too many things you need or want to do, but you don’t realize